Maxoom, Child of the Novelty & Strange Universe remaster

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re: Maxoom, Child of the Novelty & Strange Universe rema

Post by Soupy94 »

Anyone heard anything about the re-release of Frank's first 3-albums?

I made a query to Justin Time Records about 6-weeks ago, and they said

it would be coming soon. Like you, I'm still waiting...


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Cornwall Steve
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Maxoom, Child of the Novelty & Strange Universe remaster

Post by Cornwall Steve »


whatever way it goes, will you get the royalties from these that you are entitled to?

If yes, can you not go back into the studios and re-release the 1st 10 albums? - Well the other 7 now.

You may not make as much as you could have done when you 1st started, but at least I could then direct people to your work, so that they can buy the CD's where you can get what you are entitled to!

Quote of the month in my village magazine in June was,
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace – Jim Hendrix.

My website has been deleted, after the webhost updated how they did things.
I contacted the webhost a while back, but was told that they couldn't find any trace of it.
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Re: Maxoom, Child of the Novelty & Strange Universe rema

Post by profusion »

Cornwallsteve wrote:If yes, can you not go back into the studios and re-release the 1st 10 albums? - Well the other 7 now.
CBS/Sony owns the rights to the albums from "MR IV" through "Juggernaut," and they've apparently never shown much interest in doing anything with them or licensing them to another record company. They even cancelled the 3-cd boxed set that they had asked Frank to prepare. It really burns me that they're sitting on some of the best guitar music ever recorded and not at least being willing to get out of the way so that someone else can give it a proper release. :(
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re: Maxoom, Child of the Novelty & Strange Universe rema

Post by EmperorIV »

Its also sad to see Black Rose records capitolizing on these releases....they are inferior products that are out there and seem to sell real well....Those titles are a joke and those alone should prompt CBS/Sony to move on Frank's albums
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re: Maxoom, Child of the Novelty & Strange Universe rema

Post by boltonboy »

Surely an artist should own his/her own songs.It's a bit of a sicko industry.

What about re-recording them!!

That would teach the greedy record companies.
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Re: re: Maxoom, Child of the Novelty & Strange Universe

Post by Guitard »

boltonboy wrote:Surely an artist should own his/her own songs. It's a bit of a sicko industry.

What about re-recording them!!

That would teach the greedy record companies.
It's not quite that simple mate... Just do a Google search for "Michael Jackson Beatles." Here's a small example - there is much more to the matter though:

Back in 1963, the Beatles gave their publishing rights to Northern Songs, a company created by their manager, Brian Epstein, and a music publisher, Dick James. Northern Songs went public in 1965, and John Lennon and Paul McCartney each had 15% of the company's shares, while Dick James and the company's chairman, Charles Silver, held a controlling 37.5% of shares. In 1969, James and Silver sold Northern Songs and its assets to the Associated Television Corporation (ATV).

In 1985, ATV's music catalog was sold, and Michael Jackson was the high bidder. Jacko paid a reported $47 million for the publishing rights to somewhere between 159 to 260 Beatles songs. A decade later, Jackson and Sony merged their music publishing businesses. Since 1995, Jackson and Sony/ATV Music Publishing have jointly owned most of the Beatles songs.

While the Jackson-Sony collection includes practically all of the Beatles' greatest hits, they don't have every little thing. Paul McCartney bought the rights to "Love Me Do," "Please, Please Me," "P.S. I Love You," and "Tell Me Why." Northern Songs never owned these early tunes, so they weren't included in the ATV deal.
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re: Maxoom, Child of the Novelty & Strange Universe rema

Post by profusion »

That's the issue of publishing rights, which is separate from the sound recordings owned by CBS/Sony.

Frank could probably rerecord the five albums that are currently out of print (MR Live and Tales of the Unexpected are in print, albeit in crappy-sounding masters), but that would be a huge undertaking, and I imagine he wants to concentrate on new music. Now, a CD of re-recordings of some of Frank's favorites from those albums would be pretty cool, wouldn't it? Of course, all three of his live albums are in print, and those pretty well cover the best stuff he's done, expect for the "Power of Rock'n'Roll" album, which is woefully underrepresented on the live albums.
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Cornwall Steve
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Maxoom, Child of the Novelty & Strange Universe remaster

Post by Cornwall Steve »

I have read on one of the forums, written by Frank, that he didn't like the album cover for "The Power Of Rock And Roll", and also that he was not fond of the title track.

Sorry Frank, personally for me, the title track says a lot and apart from "Ain't Dead Yet" is the second best track on the album /CD (it was my 1st choice at one stage).

Don't get me wrong folks, I have said it once and will say it many more times, Frank hasn't done a track that I don't like, I like all his work, it just that I like some tracks a lot more than others.

Don't ask me which track I like the most, it's changes from album to album (CD to CD).

Like most people, every time I listen to Frank's albums (CD's) I hear stuff that I haven't heard before, so the chances are I now like this track better that that track.

I can't wait for these new releases, if they are clearer than the originals I will have a new collection to listen to!

In 1983 after a gig in Birmingham, U.K. I went back to London & met Frank at the Holiday Inn he was staying at, and talked to the early hours of the morning, he was talking about "The Child Of The Novelty" album and how he had put in some of the sound effects, to this day if he hadn't have pointed them out, I would still be none the wiser, even though one can hear them!
Quote of the month in my village magazine in June was,
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace – Jim Hendrix.

My website has been deleted, after the webhost updated how they did things.
I contacted the webhost a while back, but was told that they couldn't find any trace of it.
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re: Maxoom, Child of the Novelty & Strange Universe rema

Post by Soupy94 »

...still waiting -- several weeks ago I was told by Justin Time that the CD's were close to being released... :?:
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re: Maxoom, Child of the Novelty & Strange Universe rema

Post by Plastic Man »

amen argus