Well, I've been pretty caught up in alot of stuff for the last little while, so I haven't been into the mail and the questions and stuff. I still have alot to do before England, so I may get to some of it before and, if not, then after.
Meanwhile, I thought I'd bring some stuff up-to-date and clear up a few others.
First of all, Quebec...
As you may have heard, I had another equipment meltdown, this time right in the middle of He's Calling. I went backstage to fix it with the guys and Avi stepped up and solo'ed for quite awhile. He did a masterful job... so good that I gave him a big kiss on the cheek in front of 60,000 or so fans. I think Carol got a picture of it. Dave Goode was great as well, as was Peter. It was a pretty different set... kind of a throwback to the seventies' live album. We only played an hour. But the sound was not too good for such a big PA system. I found out later that our output was "limited" on orders from "someone". Not too surprising now, considering that after the show we had what I consider one of the most disrespectful experiences that I've ever seen in the music business. After our set, and I mean immediately after, we were told that all the musicians, their families, and their friends had to LEAVE the premises, meaning the entire backstage site. We were not allowed to stay in our dressing rooms (which were in tents) nor move about the area, and it was a HUGE area. This was, I supposed, overzealous local security... but when I inquired I was told that this was on orders from someone else. They would not allow anyone to be in the area that the headliner had to walk through on their way to the stage, I was told. When the promoter intervened on our behalf, we were then told that we could stay in the tent but couldn't come out of the tent. By this time, I had decided that it wasn't worth it to stay at all. I've been involved in some of the biggest shows in history, with some of the biggest bands, over 35 years, and I have NEVER seen something happen like this. So, to those who ordered it, and I think I can figure out who they are, I can only say "shame on you."
Next, the Annapolis situation...
It has come to my attention that there are some people who are saying that the reason for the tight security at B.B. King's was because we were looking for recording devices, and that Annapolis was cancelled because they would not search for such devices. The person who started this story is a guy who collects bootlegs and distributes them. (I won't name him, but we know who he is). Well, nothing could be further from the truth. I'll tell you why Annapolis was cancelled... To put it simply, I currently have (and have had for awhile) a genuine stalker. We ignored this for awhile, thinking it was a nuisance that would go away, but recently it became quite serious... serious enough to have contacted the F.B.I. and various other authorities. We had to put tight security into place at all the shows because we (and others) felt that there was a very real threat. When we contacted B.B. King's and the Long Island venue, they were only too happy to accomodate our security needs, especially since none of them wanted to take a chance that something might happen in their venue. But the woman running the show for the Annapolis date refused to do so. We did not expect the promoters to pay for the security, and offered to do so. She refused that. We even called the local Annapolis Police and asked for a squad car to remain outside (to deter by presence) but she didn't want the police on or near the premises. No matter what we tried to do, or how we tried to compromise, she adamantly refused. We were not even allowed to hire our own local security. But we still didn't cancel the date, and we were still looking for another way when, in fact, she suggested that we cancel. She said that we should fix "our problem" and come back and play another time. And then she suggested doing two shows instead of one, when we come back. And that's when I figured out how she could suggest such an incredible thing with a sold-out show. You see, we had gotten a call from the agent a few weeks before, asking us to do 2 shows at Annapolis because it had sold out. But we couldn't fit it in the time frame, and we didn't want to do 2 in one night because we play three to four hours, as you know. Well, when we didn't accept the second date, the agent went ballistic and freaked out, on behalf of the promoter (maybe he was the promoter's agent!). Anyway, I think that they saw their chance to cancel the single date, and get us back for two... a bit of an opportunity for them. But I'll tell you this... I won't be considering going there again after the way it was handled, for one show or for two, unless they do a whole lot more (and even apologize for what happened). So, if you hear that story about looking for recording devices, tell whoever says it to go jump in the lake... it's just not true. That whole weekend of New York was a break-even situation with Annapolis involved and, when I had to lose the date, I ended up carrying $5,000.00 extra debt because of it, and I'm still paying. I'm not going to go into the hole for 5 grand just to stop a bootlegger, believe me. As you all know very well, I ain't rich... hell I ain't even comfortable.
The Josh Trager situation...
I had very high hopes for Josh. I thought he had what it took to become a great musician and to get alot of respect for it, while respecting the music itself. And, in the beginning he did. But when he went on that little jaunt in October, chasing what he thought was instant fame, regardless of the music or his own dedication to this cause, we were all disappointed. But then he came back and said he'd learned from it, and that we could count on him to make a commitment. I had already procured another drummer, but because Josh said he wanted another chance, and because all the guys wanted him to have it, I gave in... but I felt that I was making a mistake. And make a mistake I did, because at the very first opportunity for him to jump ship again, he did it... and this time he told me just a few days before we went to New York. And, once again, it was all about "fame" and not about music. Well, I have no time for guys like this... I'm too old and just not that interested in posers and boasters. So, after the two dates in New York and Long Island, and after seeing how he was acting that weekend on the road (as if he was in U2) and a few other things, I decided that enough was enough. So I fired him. Funnily enough, he is the first guy I've ever fired. Everyone else left of their own accord, or by mutual understanding, or by simply growing apart or whatever. So he carries the distinction of being the only guy EVER fired by Mahogany Rush. All in all, I hope he finds what he's looking for, makes a million dollars and finds chicks and fame in abundance. But I'll tell you this... I feel sorry for the guys he joined, especially if things don't go all the way. I can't say I like their music, but from what I've heard they're pretty nice guys. I hope it works out for them. You can be absolutely sure we will never have him back again, though, no matter what he says next time. Oh... and as a matter of fact, that bootlegger guy that started that tale... well, that came to me through someone who got it from (guess who) Josh, just the other day. Apparently the tall-tale teller told it to Josh, who seems to stay in touch with him. And part of that story is that, supposedly, as a result of fans' belief in the tale, many of our own fans now want to boycott our band. If it's true, well, what can I do? Boycott away if you don't believe the truth. But if it's not true, I've got to wonder why he's saying such things to other members of my band.
Finally, what's coming up...
I'm very much looking forward to going to the U.K. for those dates. I've also been on touch with an agent who assures me we'll be working in September or October, until the end of the year, and into next summer. I hope it's all true. I'll keep you posted.
I'm also very much looking forward to doing more with Avi on the violin, as well as a few other guys... Dave is with us for now, and I hope we can work it out so he stays. But, if not, we'll work out something with somebody. But we really love Dave. Like I said, we probably are going to need a bass player as well, and there's a B3 player we want to try out. So there's stuff coming, it seems.
I'll try to get to the questions and email as soon as I can. Thanks so much for your patience.
Latest news and stuff...
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- Frank Marino
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re: Latest news and stuff...
WE MISSED YOU!! :smootch
- Lori

WE MISSED YOU!! :smootch
- Lori

- mike b
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re: Latest news and stuff...
Wow, thanks for the great and comprehensive update Frank!! Only hope that the Sept and Oct gigs include Toronto so we can make up the in-person review we had to scrap in NYC coz of all the mentioned security issues. Hope you did like the review we did do, Pete pardo and myself on the Sea of Tranquility website...
Break a leg in jolly old!!!!! Do not retire there like Jack Nicklaus did today! Jack is one classy man, despite all his great success, family first, golf second. We will not see the likes of him again in the sporting world.....
Break a leg in jolly old!!!!! Do not retire there like Jack Nicklaus did today! Jack is one classy man, despite all his great success, family first, golf second. We will not see the likes of him again in the sporting world.....
Will be back when/if something new to discuss......
re: Latest news and stuff...
welcome back frank!!
and watch your backside. we don't need another dimebag or lennon situation!!
and watch your backside. we don't need another dimebag or lennon situation!!
re: Latest news and stuff...
welcome back Frank! thanks for the updates. the crap you have to go through is amazing. you should be commended for your love of good music that keeps you moving forward, so that we get the enjoyment of your talents. thanx again Frank, and i hope things work out that you can stay "busy" for awhile.
hope to see you in the near future.... keep rock'n :clap
hope to see you in the near future.... keep rock'n :clap
re: Latest news and stuff...
Good to read all the updates Frank!
Sorry to hear about all those sad incidents though... :x
I hope we'll see you touring here in Scandinavia in the near future!
*thumbs up*
Sorry to hear about all those sad incidents though... :x
I hope we'll see you touring here in Scandinavia in the near future!
*thumbs up*
re: Latest news and stuff...
Sorry to hear of all your troubles. Talk about ungratefullness.... That guy should be PROUD to have the chance to play with one of rock&rolls greatest legends :x 

- Franksfan24
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re: Latest news and stuff...
Thanks for the mountain of info!Judging from the way your band was treated in Quebec,i fully understand your disdain with the music industry! Its joshs loss bigtime to lose his position with you & the band!Its also tough to see Pete Dowse leave,he fit the music so well,i wish he would reconsider,and not leave! However you still have avi,and dave,with other possible prospects,and that makes for a solid foundation!
I thought all the security was just the norm.,these days with all the crazy people runnin around i had no idea there was a possibility of a stalker!!!
Hopefully the fans in Annapolis will see through the B.S.& not boycott the band! I hope none of these problems will discourage you from playin on,cause i know we fans want to hear a lot more from Frank marino & Mahogany Rush!!!
Best of luck,and best wishes with the U.K. tour!!!
P.S., Frank,amongst all the madness,try to keep your equipment "up to snuff"!!! JIMMY...... 8)
I thought all the security was just the norm.,these days with all the crazy people runnin around i had no idea there was a possibility of a stalker!!!
Hopefully the fans in Annapolis will see through the B.S.& not boycott the band! I hope none of these problems will discourage you from playin on,cause i know we fans want to hear a lot more from Frank marino & Mahogany Rush!!!

Best of luck,and best wishes with the U.K. tour!!!
P.S., Frank,amongst all the madness,try to keep your equipment "up to snuff"!!! JIMMY...... 8)
Last edited by Franksfan24 on Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
- lakeeffect
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re: Latest news and stuff...
Like everyone said, thanks for sharing the info...
I'd planned on going to the show in Annapolis until I found out that it was cancelled, but on a side note, from my experiences there, Ramshead has a good sound system, but as far as venues go, it's not on my list of favorite places for live music. Hopefully in the future, you'll be able to find another venue that treats it's artists with a bit more respect.
I'd planned on going to the show in Annapolis until I found out that it was cancelled, but on a side note, from my experiences there, Ramshead has a good sound system, but as far as venues go, it's not on my list of favorite places for live music. Hopefully in the future, you'll be able to find another venue that treats it's artists with a bit more respect.
re: Latest news and stuff...
Thanks for all that info, Frank. It's always good to hear the truth about things directly from the primary source.
Good luck on the Europe tour. Keep those fingertips calloused up for all those consecutive shows!
Good luck on the Europe tour. Keep those fingertips calloused up for all those consecutive shows!